Eu a pensar que ia ter sossego no meu departamento, mas nao e' que andam a lavar as alcatifas??!!!
O mundo nao me compreende ;)
(Mas o que tem piada e' que um dos tipos anda a limpar a alcatifa sentado!)
sábado, 31 de março de 2007
Ahhhhh!!!! Calem-se!
Desculpam o desabafo mas andam a deitar arvores abaixo junto a minha janela (nao sei porque), e todos os dias as 8 da manha comecam com as moto-serras!!! Incluindo hoje, sabado!!!
sexta-feira, 30 de março de 2007
Alguem conhece uma citacao porreira para por no inicio da minha tese? Aceitam-se sugestoes :)
Does anybody know any nice quotes to start my thesis with? Suggestions needed :)
Does anybody know any nice quotes to start my thesis with? Suggestions needed :)
Novo livro de cabeceira

Ja acabei o livro que andava a ler. Agora estou a ler "As Pequenas Memorias" de Saramago, um livro que a minha mae me ofereceu. Estou a gostar imenso e so tenho pena de ir acabar num instante...
I am now reading another book. It's by a famous Portuguese writer, Jose Saramago, and it has not been translated into English (yet). I guess the title is something like: "The small memories"? I am enjoying it a lot, it's a shame I'll finish it quickly :)
quinta-feira, 29 de março de 2007
terça-feira, 27 de março de 2007
domingo, 25 de março de 2007
sábado, 24 de março de 2007
Portugal - Belgium
4 - 0
(Nota para os Tugas: isto e' para os tipos nao se armarem em parvos!)
PS - A ver se amanha ponho aqui umas fotos, que isto ultimamente e' so paleio.
PS2 - Ta quase, quase, mas ainda nao esta...
(Nota para os Tugas: isto e' para os tipos nao se armarem em parvos!)
PS - A ver se amanha ponho aqui umas fotos, que isto ultimamente e' so paleio.
PS2 - Ta quase, quase, mas ainda nao esta...
quinta-feira, 22 de março de 2007
Na semana passada andava eu a indagar sobre o que seriao uns passaros tropicais que vejo por aqui. Ora nem a proposito, a BBC publicou um artigo sobre isso mesmo :) Aparentemente sao piriquitos dos Himalaias (dai nao se importarem com o frio). Como nao teem grande competicao por aqui, a populacao esta a crescer. Vamos la a ver no que isto da no futuro... Ah, e a explicacao de como e' que eles ca chegaram e' curiosa:
(Last week I was taking about these "tropical" birds. Well, according to BBC they are parakeets from the Hymalayans, who can thus survive the cold and face no competition around here... And the explanation of how they got here is quite curious:)
There are a number of sometimes fanciful theories as to how parakeets came to make their home here, such as the urban legend that the birds escaped from a container at Heathrow airport, or from Shepperton Studios in west London during filming of The African Queen in 1951.
(Last week I was taking about these "tropical" birds. Well, according to BBC they are parakeets from the Hymalayans, who can thus survive the cold and face no competition around here... And the explanation of how they got here is quite curious:)
There are a number of sometimes fanciful theories as to how parakeets came to make their home here, such as the urban legend that the birds escaped from a container at Heathrow airport, or from Shepperton Studios in west London during filming of The African Queen in 1951.
E a tese, como e' que vai?
Vai indo... Ando a trabalhar nas correcoes, apos os comentarios do meu orientador. Devo confessar que estou a ficar um bocado farta... Vou dar o meu maximo para acabar ate ao final deste mes. Vamos la a ver se me aguento ate la.
E novidades da FCT? Nada...
(And how is your thesis going? OKish... I've been working on the corrections, following my supervisor's comments. But I am getting a bit sick of it... I'm trying my best to finish until the end of this month.
And any news about the PostDoc fellowship? Nope...)
E novidades da FCT? Nada...
(And how is your thesis going? OKish... I've been working on the corrections, following my supervisor's comments. But I am getting a bit sick of it... I'm trying my best to finish until the end of this month.
And any news about the PostDoc fellowship? Nope...)
segunda-feira, 19 de março de 2007
Voltou o Inverno
Esta uma tempestade de neve la fora (!!!!).
(Winter is back. It's snowing outside (!!!!). )
(Winter is back. It's snowing outside (!!!!). )

Na quinta feira fui ao teatro. Nao ia com muita vontade, por causa do cansaco e do stress da tese... Mas ja me tinha comprometido com amigos e la fui. E estava algo curiosa para ver o que me esperava, pois avisavam para levar sapatos comfortaveis... Bom, foi espectacular! Eu pensava que ia ao teatro, mas fui muito diferente de qualquer peca "normal".
Tudo se passou num armazem de 5 pisos, todo ele encenado para a peca. Palco nao existia, nos podiamos andar por onde quisessemos, tocar no que quisessemos, enfim, explorar o cenario a vontade. E os actores actuavam no meio de nos. Varias cenas decorriam ao mesmo tempo em diversos locais. Assim cada "espectador" podia escolher onde queria estar, e o que ver (ou ate interagir, eu cheguei a ser empurrada varias vezes pelos actores...). Demoramos um bocado a perceber como e' que funcionava, e passei algum tempo as voltas no mesmo piso. Mas a partir de certa altura, ja andava toda a gente a correr (literalmente) atras dos actores, para ver a cena seguinte. Certas cenas eram uma mistura de teatro e de bailado ou ginastica, a encenacao tambem estava girissima. Os cenarios eram espectaculares! Ate cheiravam!!! A serio! Havia um quarto que tresandava a naftalina, um campo de milho que cheirava a milho, um pinhal que cheirava a pinheiro,... E o mais interessante disto tudo e' que cada um viu coisas diferentes! Por vezes certas cenas, so eu e mais duas pessoas estavam a ver... No final foi engracado discutir o que cada um viu. E como e' que nos sabiamos quem eram os actores? Porque todos os espectadores tinham que usar mascaras! Isso tambem fez com que toda a gente andasse separada a explorar o que lhe apetecesse. O estranho e' que podiamos chegar ao fim sem ver nada da peca principal, Fausto... Excepto a ultima cena, em que eles juntam toda a gente na cave (e que termina com o actor principal nu...). Resultado, dava para voltar varias vezes e ver sempre coisas diferentes! Mas realmente e' muito dificil explicar... So mesmo experimentando. Um aviso se alguem quiser ir: em certos momentos pode ser algo frustrante, se nao se conseguir ver nenhum actor ou se eles nos fugirem de repente... Mas isso faz parte da beleza da peca!
Bom, valeu bem a pena! Vou tentar manter-me a par do que a companhia anda a fazer, a ver se ainda consigo ver mais alguma coisa deles!
sábado, 17 de março de 2007
Na quarta feira tive uma consulta por causa das minhas alergias. Como estava um lindo dia de sol, aproveitei para ir a pe para a consulta. Tive que atravessar o Hyde Park e andar mais um bocadito para la chegar. O Hyde Park estava muito agradavel! Com alguns turistas e muitas maes a passear os filhos. Mas o melhor era a cantoria dos passaros. Aquilo era uma chilreada!! Estavam todos empoleirados nos ramos a cantar uns para os outros. Nao tinha a minha maquina comigo, mas aqui ha uns tempos tinha conseguido tirar umas fotos a alguns dos mais "chilreadores". Ha uns que mais parecem passaros tropicais deslocados, e que teem um cantar muito caracteristico. Ja agora, se alguem souber o que sao, eu ca ando curiosa... Os outros pequeninos de peito ruivo sao engracadissimos e tambem cantam imenso! :) Quanto a tese, vai indo...
"On wednesday I had an appointment at St Marys. The day was a great sunny day, so I decided to cross Hyde Park. It was really nice!! A lot of people were walking around, but the best were the singing birds!!! They were all on top of trees singing at each other. I did not have my camera with me, but I do have some older photos of some of the birds that I saw. Some look like tropical birds e have a very characteristic singing. Does anyone know what are they? And the robins, with their red breasts, are really pretty and also sing a lot! :) As for the thesis, it's moving on..."
domingo, 11 de março de 2007
Primavera (Spring)

Hoje esteve um dia lindo de sol. E eu tive que trabalhar nas minhas figuras... Como nao deu para tirar fotos, ficam aqui algumas do ano passado. Espero em breve voltar a pegar na maquina para tirar umas fotos giras...
(Today was a lovely sunny day. But I had to continue working on my thesis figures... As I couldn't take photos, here are some that I took in last year's Spring. I hope I can take new photos soon...)
sábado, 10 de março de 2007
Livro de cabeceira
quinta-feira, 8 de março de 2007
Hoje apanhei um susto!! Ando a trabalhar nas correcoes a tese, de acordo com os comentarios do meu orientador (que alias estao a demorar muito mais tempo do que o esperado). Eis senao quando... claro! O computador crachou! Comecou a queixar-se que eu tinha referencias a mais (!!!). Bom, o que vale e' que eu guardo tudo de cada vez que escrevo uma frase, e o azar nao foi grande :)
quarta-feira, 7 de março de 2007
The Lord of the Rings:an allegory of the PhD?
The story starts with Frodo: a young hobbit, quite bright, a bit dissatisfied with what he's learnt so far and with his mates back home who just seem to want to get jobs and settle down and drink beer. He's also very much in awe of his tutor and mentor, the very senior professor Gandalf, so when Gandalf suggests he take on a short project for him (carrying the Ring to Rivendell), he agrees.
Frodo very quickly encounters the shadowy forces of fear and despair which will haunt the rest of his journey and leave permanent scars on his psyche, but he also makes some useful friends. In particular, he spends an evening down the pub with Aragorn, who has been wandering the world for many years as Gandalf's postdoc and becomes his adviser when Gandalf isn't around.
After Frodo has completed his first project, Gandalf (along with head of department Elrond) proposes that the work should be extended. He assembles a large research group, including visiting students Gimli and Legolas, the foreign postdoc Boromir, and several of Frodo's own friends from his undergraduate days. Frodo agrees to tackle this larger project, though he has mixed feelings about it. ("'I will take the Ring', he said, 'although I do not know the way.'")
Very rapidly, things go wrong. First, Gandalf disappears and has no more interaction with Frodo until everything is over. (Frodo assumes his supervisor is dead: in fact, he's simply found a more interesting topic and is working on that instead.) At his first international conference in Lorien, Frodo is cross-questioned terrifyingly by Galadriel, and betrayed by Boromir, who is anxious to get the credit for the work himself. Frodo cuts himself off from the rest of his team: from now on, he will only discuss his work with Sam, an old friend who doesn't really understand what it's all about, but in any case is prepared to give Frodo credit for being rather cleverer than he is. Then he sets out towards Mordor.
The last and darkest period of Frodo's journey clearly represents the writing-up stage, as he struggles towards Mount Doom (submission), finding his burden growing heavier and heavier yet more and more a part of himself; more and more terrified of failure; plagued by the figure of Gollum, the student who carried the Ring before him but never wrote up and still hangs around as a burnt-out, jealous shadow; talking less and less even to Sam. When he submits the Ring to the fire, it is in desperate confusion rather than with confidence, and for a while the world seems empty.
Eventually it is over: the Ring is gone, everyone congratulates him, and for a few days he can convince himself that his troubles are over. But there is one more obstacle to overcome: months later, back in the Shire, he must confront the external examiner Saruman, an old enemy of Gandalf, who seeks to humiliate and destroy his rival's protege. With the help of his friends and colleagues, Frodo passes through this ordeal, but discovers at the end that victory has no value left for him. While his friends return to settling down and finding jobs and starting families, Frodo remains in limbo; finally, along with Gandalf, Elrond and many others, he joins the brain drain across the Western ocean to the new land beyond.
by Dave Pritchard
Frodo very quickly encounters the shadowy forces of fear and despair which will haunt the rest of his journey and leave permanent scars on his psyche, but he also makes some useful friends. In particular, he spends an evening down the pub with Aragorn, who has been wandering the world for many years as Gandalf's postdoc and becomes his adviser when Gandalf isn't around.
After Frodo has completed his first project, Gandalf (along with head of department Elrond) proposes that the work should be extended. He assembles a large research group, including visiting students Gimli and Legolas, the foreign postdoc Boromir, and several of Frodo's own friends from his undergraduate days. Frodo agrees to tackle this larger project, though he has mixed feelings about it. ("'I will take the Ring', he said, 'although I do not know the way.'")
Very rapidly, things go wrong. First, Gandalf disappears and has no more interaction with Frodo until everything is over. (Frodo assumes his supervisor is dead: in fact, he's simply found a more interesting topic and is working on that instead.) At his first international conference in Lorien, Frodo is cross-questioned terrifyingly by Galadriel, and betrayed by Boromir, who is anxious to get the credit for the work himself. Frodo cuts himself off from the rest of his team: from now on, he will only discuss his work with Sam, an old friend who doesn't really understand what it's all about, but in any case is prepared to give Frodo credit for being rather cleverer than he is. Then he sets out towards Mordor.
The last and darkest period of Frodo's journey clearly represents the writing-up stage, as he struggles towards Mount Doom (submission), finding his burden growing heavier and heavier yet more and more a part of himself; more and more terrified of failure; plagued by the figure of Gollum, the student who carried the Ring before him but never wrote up and still hangs around as a burnt-out, jealous shadow; talking less and less even to Sam. When he submits the Ring to the fire, it is in desperate confusion rather than with confidence, and for a while the world seems empty.
Eventually it is over: the Ring is gone, everyone congratulates him, and for a few days he can convince himself that his troubles are over. But there is one more obstacle to overcome: months later, back in the Shire, he must confront the external examiner Saruman, an old enemy of Gandalf, who seeks to humiliate and destroy his rival's protege. With the help of his friends and colleagues, Frodo passes through this ordeal, but discovers at the end that victory has no value left for him. While his friends return to settling down and finding jobs and starting families, Frodo remains in limbo; finally, along with Gandalf, Elrond and many others, he joins the brain drain across the Western ocean to the new land beyond.
by Dave Pritchard
domingo, 4 de março de 2007
sábado, 3 de março de 2007

Acabei o meu ultimo capitulo de resultados. Em termos de "primeira versao" ja so falta terminar a discussao. :)
E como prometi uma foto aqui a tempos, deixo umas celulazinhas que vi ao microscopio. O que estao a ver sao duas celulas NK (assassinas natas) a atacar uma celular tumoral (a verde). Eu tenho andado a estudar as zonas de contacto, que teem uns "blobs" verdes. E' lindo, nao e'? :)
I just finished my last results chapter. For my first version of the thesis, I'm only missing the discussion.
And as I promised a new photo some time ago, I leave you with some cells that I imaged on the microscope. Here you can see 2 NK (Natural Killer) interacting with a tumour cell (in green). I have been studying the contact area, with those green "blobs". Beautiful, ha?
quinta-feira, 1 de março de 2007
Aquilo que eu receio neste momento:
(What I fear most right now:)
1. que esteja pouco detalhada
(not enough detail)
2. que tenha que reescrever - obrigada Miguel por me alertares para isso ;)
(having to re-write)

(What I fear most right now:)
1. que esteja pouco detalhada
(not enough detail)

(having to re-write)

Aparte disso, ta tudo fixe, ja so faltam 2 capitulos!
(Besides that, it's going smoothly, only 2 chapters left to go)
Nao consegui esperar mais e resolvi telefonar a FCT...
E fiquei a saber que e' melhor esperar sentada porque resultados so la para o fim do mes...
(I could not wait any longer, so I called my sponsors... And I am glad I did, because at least now I know that the results will only be anounced by the end of this month...)
E fiquei a saber que e' melhor esperar sentada porque resultados so la para o fim do mes...
(I could not wait any longer, so I called my sponsors... And I am glad I did, because at least now I know that the results will only be anounced by the end of this month...)
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