quarta-feira, 9 de julho de 2008

Dia do Instituto

Ontem foi o dia do Instituto. Passámos o dia fora, junto ao rio Douro. Fomos divididos em equipas e andámos a caminhar e a realizar pequenas provas pelo caminho. Ah! E fizemos um piquenique à beira-rio.

(Yesterday we had the Institute day. We went to a beautiful place by the river Douro, where we had a competition between groups. We had to follow a given path and perform some tasks. And we also had lunch by the river)
No final estávamos todos exaustos.

(At the end, everybody was exhausted.)

Mas quando voltámos ainda houve energias para uma churrascada e uma festa no Instituto.

(But after getting back to the Institute, we still found some energies for a barbecue and party!!)

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