quinta-feira, 29 de maio de 2008
quarta-feira, 28 de maio de 2008
Duas exposições interessantes que visitei em Londres:
(Two interesting exhibitions that I visited in London:)
"The American Scene: from Hopper to Pollock", no British Museum
"Renoir at the theatre: looking at La Loge", na Somerset House
(Two interesting exhibitions that I visited in London:)
"The American Scene: from Hopper to Pollock", no British Museum

"Renoir at the theatre: looking at La Loge", na Somerset House

E tenho pena de não ter dado para mais :)
segunda-feira, 26 de maio de 2008
Borboletas (butterflies)
Em Londres fui a uma exposição de borboletas no Natural History Museum. Tirei imensas fotografias!! Aqui ficam algumas interessantes, de borboletas a alimentarem-se.
(Whilst in London, I went to an exhibition of living butterflies at the Natural History Museum. Here are some of the several photos that I took, with feeding butterflies.)

(Whilst in London, I went to an exhibition of living butterflies at the Natural History Museum. Here are some of the several photos that I took, with feeding butterflies.)
quarta-feira, 21 de maio de 2008
Como toda a gente sabe, a comida Inglesa não é propriamente fantástica. Mas em Londres come-se comida do mundo inteiro! Na semana passada comi coisas Inglesas, Polacas, Japonesas, Chinesas, Francesas, Italianas, Mexicanas, Turcas,... e um belo fondue de chocolate!
Esta foto foi tirada num restaurante Turco.
E esta acho que dá para perceber o que é ;)

(Although British food is not fantastic, while in London one always has the chance to eat all sorts of different dishes from several countries. Last week I had English, Polish, Japanese, Chinese, French, Italian, Mexican and Turquish food, and a superb chocolat fondue!! The photos above were taken at a Turquish restaurant and the other you can guess...)
Esta foto foi tirada num restaurante Turco.
(Although British food is not fantastic, while in London one always has the chance to eat all sorts of different dishes from several countries. Last week I had English, Polish, Japanese, Chinese, French, Italian, Mexican and Turquish food, and a superb chocolat fondue!! The photos above were taken at a Turquish restaurant and the other you can guess...)
terça-feira, 20 de maio de 2008
(I'm back from London. I went there for my graduation ceremony, which happened at the Royal Albert Hall. It was a very formal and beautiful ceremony with hundreds of PhD (all dressed with the red gown) and MSc (dressed with black gowns). Here I am with friends, wearing my red gown.)
segunda-feira, 12 de maio de 2008
quinta-feira, 8 de maio de 2008
terça-feira, 6 de maio de 2008
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