Obrigada a todos pelos emails, sms, telefonemas e comentarios de boa sorte!!! Foi muito bom receber mensagens de todos!!!
E agora, ja esta!!! :) Ja fiz a minha defesa de tese e correu bem! Foi um bocado stressante, principalmente porque fiquei constipada na vespera e na altura de defender a tese tinha a cabeca em agua... Mas correu bem, os meus examinadores foram impecaveis e gostaram do trabalho. E sabe muito bem ja ter acabado! Ahhhhh.... E tambem gostei imenso da festa depois do exame! Nao tinha a maquina comigo, mas depois ainda vejo se arranjo umas fotos giras para por aqui.
(Thank you all for all the emails, sms, phone calls and comments whishing me good luck!!! It was fantastic to get messages from all of you!!!
And so... that's it, done!!! :) I've add my viva and it went quite well! It was a bit stressing, specially because I got a cold on the previous day, and when I was about to have my viva I wasn't at my best... But it was good, my examiners were great and liked my work. And it feels great to have finished! Ahhhhh.... And I really enjoyed the party after the viva! I did not have my camera with me, but I'll see if I can get some nice photos to post here.)