Como ja deve ter dado para notar nao tem havido tempo para tirar fotos novas :( Assim, vou pondo aqui fotos que tirei ao long deste ano que passou. Estas foram tiradas durante as ferias, no Castle Howard, em York, onde Brideshead Revisited foi filmado. Vale a pena visitar (
http://www.castlehoward.co.uk/) e vale bem a pena ver a série (transmitida em 1981) ou ler o romance, escrito por Evelyn Waugh em 1945.
E ja agora, atencao a libelinha! ;)
As you may have noticed, I haven't been having much time to take new photos :( So, I'll continue adding some photos that I took throughout this year. These ones here were taken during my Summer hollidays, at the Howard Castle in York, where Brideshead Revisited was shot. It's well worth a visit (
http://www.castlehoward.co.uk/). And I also recoment watching the TV series (broadcasted in 1981) and/or reading the novel written by Evelyn Waugh in 1945.
Oh, and look for the dragonfly!